Jackson State University Earth Day going green with Toyota


Go Green Initiative
De’Arbreya Lee
Blue & White Flash / Staff Writer

In making major steps to join the Go Green Movement, Jackson State University is taking its first steps in joining The Toyota Green Initiative as the university will host JSU Earth Day on April 20th, 11a.m. to 1p.m. at Royal Bleau Boutique.

This event is sponsored by Jackson State University, Royal Bleau Boutique, SUBWAY, The American Advertising Federation, and Toyota Go Green Initiative.

According to the Toyota Green Initiative website, the intuitive is an environmental stewardship platform designed to empower people to adopt a sustainable lifestyle. Toyota is working with educators, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and environmental nonprofits to educate all on how green issues affect our communities and form strategies for moving towards shaping a better future.
JSU Earth Day encourages all students, faculty, staff and community members to take a pledge towards a ‘greener’ tomorrow with the Toyota Go Green Initiative.

Along with educational information, the event will provide food, entertainment, giveaways, a test drives of the Toyota Prius along with the presentation of Royal Bleau Boutique’s spring “Green” clothing line.

The initiative plans to promote its cause through eco-conscious articles, videos, campus events, and mentoring efforts as tools to help the campus of JSU move forward together towards a greener tomorrow.

Tamika Smith, a senior mass communications major from Chicago, Ill., has been chosen to represent Toyota’s Go Green Initiative as a Brand Ambassador. Her role is to promote “going green” here at Jackson State.

“JSU is a green campus and we are making conscious efforts to make our campus more sustainable. Contractors have installed light sensors, an underground rain tank, and a charging dock for electric cars, along with many other things”, said Smith.

She also shared a few of the many ways that students can get involved in this action. “Students can help too by unplugging power outlets to lower energy costs, eating healthier, or using re-useable products,” said Smith. “We here at JSU encourage all students, staff and faculty to live more eco-friendly, sustainable lives, to help save the earth.”

David Hoard, Executive Director of Institutional Advancement says, “You gotta ask for want you want, she [Smith] asks for a lot, and we are behind her 100 percent. We think this is a great initiative and we are very excited for her and the university’s efforts to live greener.”
Smith asked several Jackson State students “what does go green mean to you?”

Cadaris Waits, a freshman political science major from Jackson, Miss., said “To me going green means improving yourself so you can help the environment.”

Willie Jackson, a junior computer science major from Vicksburg, Miss., said “To me, going green is protecting the environment.”

Lenell Hayes, a freshman English major from Jackson, Miss., said “Go Green is taking care of the earth in which we love, and making things better for the people on it.”

For more information about The Toyota Green Initiative, visit the website at www.toyotagreen.com or contact Tamika Smith at tamikarenell@yahoo.com.


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