JSU has prepared me for life after college


Trerica Roberson
Blue&White Flash/Staff Writer

As a product of the 21st century, it is imperative that one has a good quality education in order to be successful in life.

I chose Jackson State University based on family traditions.  My family is a Jackson State University family; all I heard from my older family members was that Jackson State University is a good school.

My mother attended Jackson State and she stated that the students from JSU were successful in their careers based on academia as well as athletics.   It was instilled in me early on that in order to be job market competitive you had to have a good sound educational background.

As a graphic design student attending JSU, I was faced with a myriad of challenges.  Jackson State University has prepared me for life after college based on the following.  The first thing I learned quickly was about handling finances.  The financial aid process is a challenge all by itself.

I’ve learned to be articulate and think outside of the box.  My professors have challenged me to be creative, and to use my people skills.  I have had to learn and deal with social interaction issues, along with spiritual challenges.  Jackson State has allowed me to grow both personally, professionally, spiritually and financially.

While attending JSU, I have had the opportunity to be a work study student thus enhancing my employment skills.

Statistically, education is a success factor, and one must learn in order to earn.  I have learned to apply the knowledge that I have acquired.  In today’s society, the highest paid people are those who are educationally qualified, through the learning process, training, skills and application.

A college degree is a means to being well rounded and educated, although there are life lessons that are not acquired in the classroom.  Earning a degree from JSU proves that I’m capable of learning and thereby affords me the opportunity to contribute valuable acquired knowledge.

I’m prepared for life after college because I have been taught responsibility, and I have the tools to go forth and become a productive citizen.  I have acquired decision making capabilities, and I have learned to be flexible, and to adapt to my surroundings.  I’ve had to learn to be punctual, to stay on task, to complete an assignment once started and I have been introduced to new ideas and my horizons have been broadened.  I have become a visionary of life. I’m focused and I am prepared to meet the challenges ahead.

With life, many obstacles are thrown your way and these obstacles can become useful tools for dealing with various conflicts and resolutions.  This  University has helped me to overcome illiteracy by educating me with the tools necessary for a good quality education.

JSU has great staff and faculty that care about their students and they want students to be successful in life and strive for the best.  JSU has prepared me to be successful in all endeavors of life.  With my well earned degree in hand, I will be able to compete with the best in my field of study.  Who I am as an individual with a college degree to back me up, I realize that doors will open for me and I will have a successful career and the best possible life.

 The views expressed in the commentary are those of the writer(s) and in no way represent the views of The Blue & White Flash.


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