JSU students advertise skills at Teacher Recruitment Day

Students speak to education professional during Teacher Recruitment Day.

Candace Chambers
Blue & White Flash / News Editor

Education recruiters from more than 60 school districts all across the United States gathered in the Student Center Ballroom to meet aspiring educators at the Spring Teacher Recruitment Day 2013.

This event was sponsored by the Jackson State University Career Services Center and was open to all majors. Students dressed in their finest business attire, carried resumes, and came looking for jobs in the teaching profession.

The event included districts from within the state such as the Biloxi Public School District, Vicksburg-Warren School District, Jackson Public School District, and the North Pike School District, and districts from out of state including Little Rock School District in Arkansas and Lee County Public Schools in Florida.

Jeremy Hodge, Career Services Coordinator, stated that events like Teacher Recruitment Day provide students with a chance to advertise their good qualities to potential employers.

“Networking is key. Statistics show that 80 percent of jobs aren’t advertised. You’re actually putting yourself in the mind of the recruiters. You’re marketing yourself and your skills.”

Recruiters were interested in individuals who were ready to educate and mold the minds of young students.

Shey Edwards, Director of Public Relations and Information Services for Lee County Schools, said, “We look for somebody that is caring, energetic, knowledgeable of today’s education issues and trends, especially common core, and who is technologically savvy.”

Marqueta Perkins, Personnel Specialist of Teacher Recruitment at Jackson Public Schools in Jackson, Miss. said, “We look for highly qualified individuals that are looking to be beneficial to students; individuals who are open-minded and ready to work.”

To give potential employees a visual representation of their schools, Webster County Schools in Eupora, Miss. displayed pictures and facts about their high- performing 2A schools on display boards.

Students were able to pick up applications, learn information about the various school districts, and network with recruiters. Some asked students their majors, explained if the district had openings in their specific field, and provided ways to access their districts website for vacancies.

Jackson State students came prepared for the day and said they enjoyed the friendly atmosphere of the event.

Justin Ficklin, a senior health/physical education major from Morton, Miss., researched before attending.

“I got a little information on teacher salaries across Mississippi, and the job outlook and duties.”
Steven Reed, a doctoral student majoring in political science from Brandon, Miss. said, “I targeted a specific school and my experience was enjoyable. The recruiter was very helpful.”

Oluwaseun Akintola, a graduate student majoring in science and mathematics education, from Nigeria, shared similar views.

“They [recruiters] were very friendly. They were interested in the qualifications I had. The environment was good and friendly. I’m looking forward to the next recruitment session.”


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