JSU students compete in national debt campaign called Up to Us

Members of “Up to Us” organization with Congressman Bennie Thompson. Photo provided by Amara Knott

Jackson State University students are currently competing in a long-term national debt campaign entitled Up to Us within an organization called Net Impact. With events concerning the campaign ranging from Feb. 1 to the 21, the students involved require campus-wide support and exposure.

On the Up to Us team are JSU’s very own students Lotfi El Jai, Anissa Hidouk, Omar Khattabb, Amara Knott, and Chapter President Lufat Rahman. The goal of this campaign is to increase awareness on campus about the national debt and Jackson State is the only university in the state with a Net Impact chapter.

The campaign is a competition amongst the nation’s top universities to gain the most successful campaign and is sponsored by the Clinton Global Initiative University and the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. Thus far, the Up to Us team has held a qualifying event for the competition, “My Two Cents Day,” in which JSU was ranked first in the social media category to date.

The campaign also allowed the students to travel to the 2015 Net Impact Conference in Seattle, Wash., where they had the opportunity to interact with other teams across the nation and hear from one of the speakers, Chelsea Clinton, vice chair of the Clinton Foundation, and one of the campaign sponsors.

Net Impact will be hosting several events in light of their campaign to raise awareness on the debt in Jackson.


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