Keep your head up and get your mind and spirits right

Graphic by Monica McGhee

Wakil Atig
Managing Editor

I bet some of you out there never imagined a college semester like the one we have upon us at this moment.

No homecoming, no band, no football team struggles and lastly, no school spirit overall. Just a dull campus smothered with determined high level truant officers.

Unfortunately, this is what life has come to, but this too shall pass.

Move-in day in college as a freshman is a moment in life that you should sincerely cherish. It’s exciting to be in a different environment among like-minded individuals.

It’s also a big step into maturing as you separate from your parents temporarily.

Well…this year was completely different.

I didn’t feel a sense of excitement on campus when I moved in this semester.

The vibe on campus felt as if I was going to the zoo as a child for the 13th time. Very debilitating.

Not to mention everyone is in hysteria over wearing a mask and spraying disinfectant spray like Creed cologne. I’ve never seen anything like it.

Virtual classes have proven to me what I already had an inclination about since I was in high school.

Everyone is not qualified to hold the responsibility of teaching the next generation of leaders, although their credentials qualifies them. It has been a true struggle trying to get comfortable with taking every course online. It’s just not the same.

The cafe is also out of the ordinary. Although they serve the same food, it’s just missing a touch of life. I used to look forward to the tasty “Fried Chicken Wednesdays” and “Fish Fridays” during the week. Now, I just take my food and return back to my dorm.

How did we get here?

As I mentioned before, there are no sports this semester and it is unclear if they will return in the Spring. If you are feeling sad by reading this, imagine if you had to live it.

2020 has been a year full of challenges for most of us. Everything from Covid-19 to the election has the world at an emotional standstill and uncertainty about what’s to come.

As I begin my senior year of college, I have gained a clearer vision on what I need to do with the air I’ve been blessed with.

This semester of college is not about the sensationalized optics of what college looks like on television. This semester is real.

I advise every student to utilize this time to prepare and better yourself for the next steps in your life. Rather it be a career, starting a business, or parenthood. Keep your eyes on the prize and both feet at attention because tomorrow is not promised and no two days are the same.

With that being said, it is important that you keep your head up, get your mind and spirits right and try to maintain some type of consistency physically. Because although you’re paying for school, you can’t buy class.


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