Let’s put the giving back in Thanksgiving

Kachelle Pratcher

Kachelle Pratcher
Blue & White Flash / Staff Writer

To many students, Thanksgiving means eating a lot of food, a week off from school, and Black Friday sales everywhere. I believe that we need to re-evaluate the true meaning of Thanksgiving.

According to the Websters Dictionary, Thanksgiving is a public acknowledgment are celebration of divine goodness. Over the years, many have forgotten the purpose of Thanksgiving. It is more than just Grandma’s famous corn bread dressing and buttered rolls. Thanksgiving should be a time to express our gratitude for the things or people that have truly impacted our lives.

In grammar school, I can remember writing stories about  what I was thankful for.  It is never too late to reflect on the things you are grateful for. But as we mature, we should go further and let family, friends, loved ones, professors and all the people who have helped us know how thankful we are for the impact they have made on our lives.

Many of us put more emphasis on material items that we love and how we can’t go without them. Not once realizing that in a blink of an eye, our good health could be taken from us.

Thanksgiving is the time to be thankful for what you are given and what God has blessed you to possess. This is also a time to give thanks for family, financial stability, having food to eat and a roof over our heads.

More importantly, there is no better way to say thank you than giving back to those less fortunate than ourselves. Do you take the time to give back to the Salvation Army and community soup kitchens to lend a helping hand?

Volunteering within the community is a way to give back for all things that you are thankful for. During the holiday season there are various activities to partake in, such as toy drives, canned food drives, coat drives, and anything that will get you in the spirit of giving.

We need to take time out of our busy schedules to help others during the holiday season. No matter what situation you are in there is always someone else in a worse situation.

Here are a few ideas for giving back this holiday season:
• Donate canned goods to your local shelter or participate in campus food drives.
• Donate your time. Volunteer at a homeless shelter or some charitable organization that is having a Thanksgiving dinner for those in need.
•  Make a cash contribution to a local organization that will help families during the holidays. The organization may give the family cash, or purchase turkeys and other menu items so they can have a nice Thanksgiving dinner.
• Serve a meal to family and friends. Giving doesn’t have to be just people in need. Anyone who has ever prepared a Thanksgiving meal will appreciate the effort involved in making such a feast.

Instead of spending hours in line waiting for the local Walmart or other store to open for Black Friday sales,  take time to volunteer to help the needy and donate food or clothing.

During this holiday season, ask yourself a few questions: Do you take time to give thanks for everything you have? Do you give back or help at community shelters? And what is your definition of thanksgiving and what does it truly mean to give back? As young adults, let’s put the  ‘giving’ back into Thanksgiving and help others.

The views expressed in the commentary are those of the writer(s) and in no way represent the views of The Blue & White Flash.


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