MADDRAMA Performance Troupe’s newest members show off their talents in New Member Showcase


MADDRAMA Photo-Scene 48 by Kelsei Scott

Tatyana Ross

MADDRAMA (MD) Performance Troupe Inducted their newest S.C.E.N.E. 48 members and with limited time, put together a New Member’s Showcase on Thursday Nov. 17, 2022.

Friends, family, and past MD S.C.E.N.E.S showed up to support the new newest scene coming out as Thee First 48.

Thee First 48 was the first scene of MD to put together their own showcase and create an entirely original show. The show’s theme was the Wendy Williams Show, an American talk show canceled after 14 years on-air. 

The show included several skits from classic movies and tv shows over the years like “Martin”, “Friday”, “Major Payne”, “Baby Boy”, “For Colored Girls”, “Everybody Hates Chris”, “The Proud Family”,” Bring It On”, “106 & Park”, and “Fat Albert”.

Along with an original dance choreographed by members Antionne Sellers, a sophomore psychology major from Forest, Miss. and Jakobie Jackson, a sophomore elementary education major from Milwaukee, Wisc., the members agreed that performing as a group brought them closer together as a scene. 

“Being in MADDRAMA has been so fun. Being able to call 47 other people your siblings is something I was so excited about,” Jackson said. “Honestly, I feel that our bond was so strong before the showcase that when it was time to rehearse, we were just doing things we naturally do with each other.” 

Sellers also agrees that the camaraderie of the members helped to improve their performance.

“Our scene is already very close, but I think the performance bonded us in another aspect,” Sellers said. “It felt so unreal. It was very shocking. Everyone stepped into character and did what had to be done.” 

The group wanted the showcase to be fresh and presented their ideas to scene coordinators Parker DeLoach, a senior business administration major from Chicago, Ill., and Zaria Garnes, a senior elementary education major from Wichita, Kam.

Garnes admitted both herself and DeLoach were impressed with the new scene’s idea and became dedicated to allowing the members creative freedom in hopes of bringing the group’s vision to life.  

“As far as I know, there has never been a MADDRAMA showcase that has come from the minds of the new members. It was very refreshing to hear their ideas,” Garnes said. 

However, Garnes revealed there was some nervousness and moments of doubt because of the limited time to prepare for the show. She also mentioned the script was forced to undergo several rewrites and made her even more anxious.

“What gave me relief was the patience and attitudes that the new members had. Every change, every cut,” Garnes said. “Every rewrite, every hiccup we had during rehearsal didn’t stop anyone from putting their best foot forward.”

According to the crowd’s reactions, the new members put on a great show. DeLoach claimed he never experienced an ounce of doubt. 

“As I grew to know these individuals, I saw the passion and untapped talent that was rooted in them,” DeLoach said. “Though there were some long nights, I still never doubted that they would pull through and put on a great show!”

DeLoach admitted he thought the group lacked energy in the beginning stages of rehearsals. He said it forced Garnes and himself to give out a lot of directions.

“They humbled themselves and all did their part. From the lights to the acting to put on a great performance,” DeLoach said. “I am extremely proud of the performers and the great people they have become. 48 4L”

Garnes and DeLoach shared that the real highlight of the show was seeing the group’s hard work pay off. They said it solidified the SCENE’s dedication to becoming members of MADDRAMA.

“It was like putting a stamp on everything. Seeing the audience applaud them for having an amazing show was so heartwarming to me because I had always known the talent of SCENE 48,” Garnes said.

She added, “I could not have asked for a better show nor could I have asked for a better SCENE. I am just so grateful to be a part of their journey.”


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