Make wise decisions during spring break


Shannon Tatum
Blue & White Flash / Graduate Student

Spring Break.  To many of us, this equates to lots of sun, no classes for a week, parties and new environments. This combination can lead to wonderful memories and a well needed break from the stress and pressures of being a college student.

However, when you add binge drinking and the use illegal drugs to this picture, some students do not take the necessary precautions needed to be safe during this time.  Do not be the student that has memories of alcohol poisoning, rape, STD’s, arrests, robberies, assaults and in some extreme cases, even death.

I don’t want to put a damper on all the fun you hope to have during this much anticipated time of the year, but I do want you to be aware that sometimes things don’t go as planned, especially when you mix overindulgence of alcohol and the use of drugs with new environments.

It is no secret that many risky behaviors increase with the use of alcohol and drugs. The effects of continued binge drinking can also lead to increased risk of health problems such as injuries, violence, liver diseases, and cancer according to the Centers for Disease Control.  So don’t get so smashed that you can’t make good decisions.  Do you really need alcohol to have fun?  If you answered yes to this question, you may have some other issues you need to work on.

Students should also choose Spring Break destinations wisely.  Do your research. Don’t go to places that are known for having high crime statistics against Spring Breakers.  AVVO, the largest and only free website that offers ratings and free profiles to 90 percent of practicing lawyers and MDs in the United States, compiled a list of the most dangerous Spring Break locations in 2011. The top ten were:
• Orlando, Fla.
• Daytona Beach, Fla.
• Las Vegas, Nev.
• Myrtle Beach, S.C.
• West Palm Beach, Fla.
• South Padre Island, Texas
• New Orleans, La.
• Panama City, Fla.
• Jacksonville, Fla.
• Miami, Fla.

If these destinations are on your itinerary it may be a good idea for you to use these tips provided by the National Crime Prevention Council:
*Learn about the
country you are
*Check in regularly
*Be Inconspicuous
*Use the 360 degree
ATM scan
*Never wander off or
leave with a stranger
*Monitor drinking

It’s ok to have fun, that is the purpose of the break.  But remember that some of the intentions of the people around may not be in your best interest.  My simple advice is to BE SAFE while having fun.

The views expressed in the commentary are those of the writer(s) and in no way represent the views of The Blue & White Flash.


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