Mass Communications department forecast is sunny


Dashawna Wright
Staff Writer

Future leaders of the mass media shared industry tips and advice to Jackson State University students at the Mississippi e-Center on April 1, 2015 during Mass Comm Day.

The annual event serves as a celebration and networking opportunity for students, alumni and media professionals.

Director of the Department of Mass Communications, Elayne Hayes-Anthony, gave a forecast for the department to students concerning the changes in the department.

“The forecast for the Department of Mass Communications is sunny! We expect all highs. We don’t expect any lows. We will have a very able bodied advisory board working along with us as we make changes, as we make enhancements (to the department),” said Hayes-Anthony during the event.

She also believes that students should attend Mass Comm Day to gain insight into the changing trends in media.

“Mass Comm Day is important because students get a chance to hear from professionals, but they also get a chance to really network with professionals. The professionals give them an insight about what they can expect in the field,” said Anthony.

Hayes-Anthony added, “Students get a chance to receive accolades from the department about the job that they have been doing in mass comm, and we only want to make that better every year.”

The event opened up with a meet and greet, and students got the chance to network with professionals and alumni. The guest speaker and moderator for the event was Ronika Ann Joyner, CEO and Founder of InGENEus Public Relations & CO. in Atlanta, Ga. and 2011 graduate of JSU.

Joyner spoke to the students about the importance of internships, networking and branding their name and their professional work. She also gave an insight on what it takes to start and run your own business and how she got started in the business of public relations.

Mia Brooks, a senior mass communication major from Minnesota, Ind. enjoyed the opportunity to hear from her fellow Jacksonians and the paths the alumni chose to take after graduation.

“I really like Mass Comm Day this year. I enjoyed hearing from young alumni like Ronika Joyner and hearing their stories and how they reached success,” said Brooks.

Following Joyner was the alumni and industry panel. The young alumni panel consisted of four ambitious mass communications graduates, who spoke to the students about their hardships, dedication and the need to strive in the fields of journalism, media production and entrepreneurship.

Andrew Nomura, reporter for WAFB-TV, Baton Rouge, La., Marissa Simms, owner of Royal Bleau Boutique, Mea Ashley, Alumni Constituency Relations Program Specialist at JSU, and LaVale Leggett, executive producer of “The Lavale Show all came back to participate in the event.

The industry panel consisted of: Justin Moore-Reporter/anchor for WABG TV, Kamel King- Terminal Studios/entertainment lawyer, and Kathy Times, author, former national NABJ president and media consultant.

Students also received recognition for their dedication and hard work during the awards ceremony.

Jeremy Anderson, a sophomore mass communications student from Baton Rouge, La., said he feels that it is very important for students to receive rewards for their performances and that he is looking forward to next year.

“It’s good to feel rewarded for your hard work and to feel noticed in this department, it makes students feel good and valued,” said Anderson. “What I’m looking forward to the most next year is better equipment, more organization and more involvement from students and myself.”


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