Motivate yourself and prioritize your goals for success


Deja Davis

Managing Editor


Graphic by Kalin Norman

Wow, where has the time gone? It still feels like yesterday when I was a freshman moving my whole life into McAllister-Whiteside Residence Hall and now the end of my junior year is finally here.

Have I achieved everything that I wanted this semester? Not at all, but I am so proud of the progress and accomplishments that I have completed this school year overall.

Now it is the end of the semester but don’t think it is too late. I have a few key tips that have helped me over the years and may assist you with achieving your own goals in life as well as helping to have a successful semester.


Motivation is the spark that sets the fire. It is one of the most important factors in determining the level of success that you want to achieve.

For example, one of my top resolutions coming into the New Year was to start consistently writing and keeping my planner by my side.

Because I made it a priority to check my planner every day, I had a less stressful semester.

Believe it or not, planners will definitely remind you to complete tasks and help you with remaining organized.

Staying organized is key. Keeping up with your assignments and seeing what you can do better is always good.

I had plenty of days when I wanted to give up, but I didn’t. I stayed up many late nights and prayed so much to get through the semester because I know my main goal was to finish the semester will all A’s. This goal is definitely not easy, you have to want to do it.

Commentary by Deja Davis, Managing Editor


Whatever you want to achieve in school or even in life you have to commit yourself to it, be consistent and focus your energy on it. It is so easy to lose motivation and lose sight of your objectives.

Some people see this as a negative trait but personally, procrastinating helps me get work done and keeps my mind running. Don’t get me wrong, I do want to start completing assignments ahead of time but people have different concepts to achieve their goals.

Don’t just say it but actually DO it.

Every semester you say that you will do better. You will get better grades. You will involve yourself in more extracurricular activities and make moves into your future.

What is stopping you? It is a great feeling when you take time out and actually do what you say because the only thing stopping you is yourself.

Be open to trying new things and getting out of your comfort zone. This semester I made sure to meet new people, go to events on campus that I normally would have never gone to and just becoming more involved.

It is not good to just go to class and stay in your room. You have to get out there and just get the experience. I found out so many new things about myself and never thought I would do any of it.

It is a great idea to make goals at the beginning of the school year to better yourself as a student and person.

Everyone wants to achieve their goals, but it can be too easy to fall back into bad habits. That does not have to happen if you take steps to get into the right mindset, steadily work towards your goals and make efforts to stay on track so you can accomplish everything you wanted by the end of the year.


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