Sista Vanity’s Fashion Commandments: Spring Hot Mess Awareness Month


Jennifer Wiles
Staff Writer

Let’s do a little throwback Thursday and sing in unison one of the greatest songs to ever touch the internet, “Ratchet Girl Anthem”, by Emanuel Hudson. The lyrics state, “O-M-G what do she have on? (She ratchet), her lace front is all wrong (cause’ she ratchet). The time is now to shed light on the newest epidemic ravaging though campuses all over – SPRING TIME !

Jackson State University has transformed into “Black Beach,” after receiving a minor amount of sun and all I can say is, “OH NO BABY WHAT IS YOU DOING!” I cannot even fathom the experience I have walking down the plaza in pure disbelief and complete aw. The jar full of Do’s has evaporated and at the bottom, all that is left over is Don’ts.

The great savage Bryson Tiller once brilliantly said, “Don’t play with her don’t be dishonest.” The message flows deeper than infidelity and travels into the stream of friendships. After recently speaking amongst a group of bruhz, we brainstormed that there is no way someone is a true friend if they allow someone to do either of these:

1. Wear unnatural lakefront wigs, the kind that have no hair line and sit on the forehead


3. Thick panty lines in light material clothing

4. Indian boots/ moccasins with anything in your closet

We as a nation need to put the UGGs in the box, throw away the fake designer watches (belts too) and have better hygiene because the sun is out now and DEODORANT (clap) IS NOT (clap) AN OPTION (clap clap clap)!

Authenticity is in style and the most natural looks are capturing all the attention. Ladies, there is no reason to have foundation from the winter on your face because the sun can darken skin tones. I am sure no one wants to walk around with a ghost face and chocolate body. Makeup should be an enhancer and compliment the season.

Men, socks and sandals never have and never will be in style. Also, undershirts are not an everyday outfit, it makes guys look like they were meant to be on the cover of a 2002 R&B album.

To the new Neos coming out this weekend, keep in mind that probate outfits are like costumes, which means it is ONLY meant for probate. GIRRRRLLLLLSSSSSSS, there is no reason to dress for the afterparty at probate, there is time after to get dressed. Do not bring those 6-inch heels into the Athletics Assembly Center.

March is officially “Hot Mess Awareness” month. With the help of my fellow classmates we can create a movement that establishes a fashionable legacy, one tall-t at a time.


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