Students “Tie Into Greatness” at social

JSU student gets advice from counselor.

Taylor Bembery
Blue & White Flash / Associate Editor

Jackson State University held a pre-registration social from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Student  Center ballroom on Nov. 27 as a part of the new “Tie Into Greatness” early registration program. This event is was one of many that the university has hosted to get students involved and pro-active about registering for their classes so they can be on target through their matriculation.

At the social, students were able to sit down and have a one on one talk with their advisors and deans, talk to their peers, enjoy music, and refreshments.
The colleges that were in attendance were the College of Science, Engineering, and Technology, College of Public Service, College of Business, Undergraduate Studies, College of Liberal Arts, Graduate School, and College of Education and Human Development.

Stacy Hopkins, a sophomore psychology major from Chicago, Ill., said that the “Tie Into Greatness” early registration program makes everything so much easier compared to last year’s process.

“I feel like this year is less stressful because advisors are helping students pick what classes are best for them. They are telling students exactly what they need to take to be closer to graduation, giving us examples of other students and making it more fun to register as well,” said Hopkins.

Henry Goss, a freshman mass communication major from Jackson, Miss., is new to the registration process but also understands why it is important for the university to use this new approach of registering students.

“I wanted to register early because I already knew what teachers I wanted to take and all the events they have hosted for early registration really caught my attention,” said Goss.

James C. Renick, Interim Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, explained that the advantages of early registration this year benefit students in a positive way.
“We always encouraged students to pre-register because we want to make sure they get in their courses but this year we decided that we’re going to have a more organized and jazzed up approach to get people involved. This hopefully will get more students to pre-register and it looks like that is going to happen,” said Renick
Renick added, “The advising that students are getting from the deans, administrators, and faculty members here will be good advice (about) the right courses they need to graduate on time. It’s pretty cool.”

Brian Wilks, SGA President at JSU, was also in attendance at the pre-registration Social.

“I thought the social was a good way to get students attention. Early registration helps students to not be last minute and gives them time to think about which courses they need to take,” said Wilks

Participating in early registration has many perks this year. The residence hall that has the most students registered for class by Nov. 30 will have the opportunity to have a delicious chicken and waffle party provided by the university, so let the challenge begin.

If you have any question about early registration, please call (601) 979-2300.


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