Alexandria Galtney
Staff Writer
It’s that time of the year again for students to begin early registration for their Spring 2016 and Summer 2016 sessions at Jackson State University. Early registration began Nov. 9 and will continue until Dec. 3.
Students are urged to meet with their major advisor in their department building or they can meet with any on hand advisor in the Charles F. Moore building, next to the Administration Tower.
Freshmen and sophomore students must contact their undergraduate studies academic advisor. Juniors, seniors and graduate students should contact their major departmental academic advisor.
Onsite academic advisement was offered to students on Nov. 10 in the JSU Student Cen-ter Ballrooms from 10 a.m. to 6p.m. Students received academic advisement and registered for courses for the upcoming semesters.
Jasmine Holmes, a freshman business marketing major from Ridgeland, Miss. said, “Stu-dents should go ahead and take advantage of the early registration time period so they won’t get stuck with late classes they don’t want.”
Academic counselors advise students to take advantage of the early registration time pe-riod to register for their desired classes.
Floressa Jefferson, Coordinator of Academic Advisement, Chief Academic Advisor and instructor for the First Year Initiative Program at Jackson State University, gave information on different ways students can register for classes.
“This year, we have begun to explore different options to make sure our advisors are available. We know that students are multi-dimensional and they like multiple ways to receive information so we are available every day until the end of the first week of December for stu-dents to come into the building of Charles F. Moore. We are also doing online advisement where you could contact your advisor via email or their virtual office. This year’s virtual office is through Blackboard collaborate and if you ask us, our webpage which is ,” said Jefferson.
Early registration is important for students who have other priorities. Counselors will work with you to create a schedule that works best for your needs.
Jocelyn Henderson, a junior criminal justice major from Jackson, Miss. said, “I think early registration is a good thing. You get to get into the classes you really want to be put in without worrying if the class is going to closed or not.”
Jackson State also provides dual enrollment. Freshmen and sophomores do not have ac-cess to their alternate pin, so they have to come and meet with academic advisors. They also do not have the option of revising their own schedule unless they have earned 60 hours or are classi-fied as a junior.
Juniors and seniors will be able to go to their department and department advisors will be able to provide their alternate pin after sitting down with an academic advisor in their depart-ment.
These sessions are designed to be 10 minutes per student or less and at the completion of the session with an advisor, students must sign a course request form and get a print out from the advisor.
Early registration ends Dec. 3. Pick your classes before you miss out!