Studying with music can help


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Asia Tingle
Staff Writer

Jackson State University students will utilize various techniques to study for mid-term exams. Some college students will spend their time studying for exams with loud music and feasting on pizza and other junk food.

According to, all music isn’t good music when studying.  Classical music tends to have the most positive affect on the brain when studying.  Rap music speeds up the heart rate, whereas classical music provides the right pace to keep both the blood pressure and heart rate on track.

Pizza isn’t a good snack for studying.  Fruits, green vegetables, dark chocolate, green tea, foods high in protein, and plenty of water stimulate the brain and allow it to retain more information.

Your study habits reflect your grades. So think to yourself, are your study habits going to help you excel on your midterm exams?

Midterms can be a very stressful time of the year, especially if you have more than one exam in one day. gives these tips to help you prepare for your exams:

• Start early.  By this time, you should have already been reading over your class notes.

• Establish a study group or a partner.

• Use old tests.  Collect your old exams and quizzes. Make a photocopy of these tests and quizzes, white out the answers, and photocopy them again.  Now you have practice tests.

• Build up your class notes.  Organize them by dates. Get with a study partner to compare answers and fill in any material you didn’t have.  Underline key words, formulas, or themes.

• Use different textbooks.  If you’re studying for a math or science exam, use a different textbook or study guide that covers the same information. You may find better explanations.
Once you finish studying,  the day of the exam can be even more stressful. The first few minutes of your day will determine your performance on the test. Simple decisions such as deciding on what time to wake up, what to wear, and what to eat can dictate how well you will do.
On the day of your exam remember these test-day tips provided by

• Eat and drink wisely on the day of the test.  Make sure you eat a hearty breakfast.

• Don’t forget to wear a watch. This will be helpful to assure that you don’t spend too much time on one section.

• Arrive early to the classroom.  Give yourself time to relax before the test begins.

• Look over the entire test when you receive it.  Evaluate the test and determine how much time you will need for each section.

• Pay close attention to directions. Don’t make assumptions.

• For multiple choice questions, try to answer the questions before looking at your choices.

• Tackle the essay question first.

• Every time you skip a question, be sure to mark it and go back to it.

• For defining terms, concentrate on themes and chapter titles.

Goodluck on your exams!


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