Sweetness Run/Walk to help fight obesity

Sweetness 5k Run/Walk

Derrick Walton
Staff Writer

Jackson State University will host its 5th Annual Walter Payton “Sweetness” Fight Against Obesity 5K Run/Walk this Saturday, April 2, 2011 at 8:00 a.m. There will also be a 1 Mile Fun Run at 9:00 a.m. for children, ages 5-18.

The Run/Walk, is sponsored by the Walter Payton Recreation and Wellness Center, and its primary purpose is to help fight health-related issues such as obesity and cardiovascular disease by being physically active.

Mississippi is considered the most obese state in the country, according to www.healthyamericans.org, and the Mississippi State Department of Health reports that nearly 7,487 Mississippians died of heart (cardiovascular) disease in 2009. The obesity rate was 42 percent among Blacks, 29.3 percent among Whites, and 25.6 percent among Latinos.

“The event is a great opportunity for Mississippians to commit themselves to a healthy lifestyle,” said Nyoki Morton, assistant director for marketing.

For individuals like Jeremy Wallace, Saturday’s event can be a start to making a difference.

Wallace, a staff member for the Walter Payton Center, said: “I like to work out, be healthy and run. It goes towards my future goals and career, and it’s what I like to do.”

All proceeds from this event will go to Camp Tiger Tails, which allows elementary and middle school students an opportunity to participate in the summer wellness program.

The Run/Walk is named in honor of famed NFL and JSU alumnus Walter Payton, and is sponsored by the Center that also bears his name on the JSU campus.

More than 400 individuals participated in the “Sweetness” Run/Walk last year. This year that number is expected to increase.
Those who missed the March 25 registration deadline can still participate in the Run/Walk by paying $15 on the day of the event.

Asia Tingle contributed to this story.


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