Take advantage of JSU’s cultural diversity


George Tan
Blue & White Flash / Staff Writer

Even though HBCUs were originally established in the 1800s to educate African-Americans when they were not afforded the same educational opportunities as Whites, there is an increase in enrollment of other ethnic groups including international students from other countries.

Institutional diversity provides students with cultural experiences beyond the African-American experience, which promote mutual understanding and global awareness.

At Jackson State, there are approximately 270 international students from more than 65 countries. Does this diversity prepare students to deal with differences in the larger diverse world in the future? The answer varies.

Some use their access to international students as an avenue to develop friendships and learn more about other cultures, others might not talk to international students because of language barriers and their fear of being offensive when asking about the different cultures and practices of international students.  Many students feel that international students tend to isolate themselves.

To enhance the cultural experience of African-American students, I believe that there is a need to first help international students incorporate themselves into the American student community.

It is important for international students to feel at home and to immerse themselves in the culture because by doing so there is interaction between American students and international students, which is the essence of diversity.

Even though there is an increase in international student involvement in student activities, there is still room for improvement. The university holds a responsibility to incorporate diversity into their university strategic plans.

A well-organized plan that could benefit students of all nationalities and races is needed. Many international students feel that the university is responsible for helping international and American students build connections.

This can be achieved by better educating university employees to work with foreign students, setting up a system of international and American conversation partners, organizing activities with inclusion of diverse students and even recording a video on cross-cultural differences.

At individual levels, both the American students and international students must extend their network to talk to other races and nationalities. However, there are many students who have benefited from the diversity of Jackson State and the awesome cultural experiences.

ShuYing Wei, a junior English education major from China who participated in the Alternative Spring Break in Hattiesburg, expressed her love towards Jackson State for providing such a good HBCU experience.

Chris Winfield, a junior chemistry pre-med major from Jackson, Miss. said he enjoyed “chilling” with international students because there is so much to learn from them.

It is up to you to initiate the first move to start talking to each other. I think both international  and American students should put in the their fair share of efforts to interact with each other.

The barriers between interactions among American and international students are based on false assumptions. Mutual understanding cannot be achieved unless you start talking to someone. Once you start interacting, all the stereotypes and false assumptions will be resolved. Only by talking, will you know how others think and be able to express yourself.

Being at a diverse HBCU with so many international students, it is a privilege for Jackson State students to have an opportunity for an eye-opening and mind-broadening cultural experience. Enrich your collegiate life by taking advantage of the diversity of the campus and interact with people from diverse cultural backgrounds!

The views expressed in the commentary are those of the writer(s) and in no way represent the views of The Blue & White Flash.


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