Compiled by Avi’Yam Jordan
MC Practicum Student
1. Martial arts in Asia have more Black influence than many of us know. A Japanese proverb says, “For a samurai to be brave, he must have a bit of black blood.”
2. Northern African countries civilized much of Europe, introducing astronomy, chemistry, physics, mathematics and geography.
3. Libraries were non-existent in Christian Europe until the African presence appeared. Ninety-nine percent of Europe was illiterate with only two universities until Africans created seventeen.
4. Africans influenced the medieval times in Europe. In 711-1492 the African Moors conquered all of Spain, creating medieval castles and mosques.
5. Blues, country, hip-hop, jazz, R&B and rock & roll all have African-American origins.
6. The traffic signal, portable refrigeration system, ice cream scoop and 3-D glasses were created by African-Americans
7. Black hair is the most versatile. Anyone can straighten their hair, but not everyone can rock an Afro or dreadlocks.
8. People of African ancestry are the mothers and fathers of civilization. The oldest skeletons to mankind were found in eastern Africa.
9. Blacks reap the fountain of youth! Due to the melanin in the skin of Blacks, they age gracefully.
10. The Black race is full of perseverance. Blacks have endured many forms of oppression, such as slavery, Jim Crow and modern day racial discrimination and still rise.