The Woman King: United We Stand, Divided We Fall

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Antonio Jackson

Much of history recounts the plight of African-Americans during the slave trade and the subsequent oppression of people of color. But now a different perspective has hit the movie screens. “The Woman King” movie portrays what African’s experienced during the slave trade.

The most important thing about “The Woman King” that must be highlighted is its story. The film’s plot is heavily centered around the trauma that Africans faced during the slave trade and what they went through. The movie does not hesitate to use shocking scenes to educate the audience. With each twist and conflict, it is very difficult to break your attention away from the story.

The movie did well on tearing through the surface on the early days of black enslavement, and sheds light on a matter that isn’t often explored. The film brings forth the knowledge that Africans also played a pivotal role in helping the slave traders. 

It mentioned several things that divided them as a people. Such as selling their own people for fortune and having them fight and even killing one another.

The cinematography of the movie is unmatched. The music, camera angles and acting were all in sync and complimented each other well. “The Woman King” does a great job keeping the viewer’s attention and having them feel immersed in the film.

Viola Davis does nice work in her role as Nanisca, the leader of the all-women warrior group, the Agojie. Her character was the embodiment of bravery, strength and discipline.

The action sequences in movie are spot on as well. This really added to the authenticity of the scenes. The movie uses no CGI or computer-generated images. This really added to the authenticity of the scenes. A feat that a lot of films find hard to accomplish. 

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The movie attracted controversy from both sides of the political spectrum. The Alternative Right commended the movie for displaying the savagery of Africa

The Alternative Left hated the movie for not accurately showing black resentment towards slavery. Although the story explores a more uncomfortable situation for African-Americans, it should be praised because this opens new paths for dialogue.

This makes the movie more honest than anything. It offers more elements of history to be unpacked and reviewed.

In fact, “The Woman King” does the opposite of both claims. The film does not shy away from the brutal history of violence among African tribes, all the while explaining this history as more than plain savagery. 

It was about fighting for what they felt was right, by any means necessary. Some African tribes did contribute to the slave trade, but there were tribes who were against it also. 

The movie is not as plain cut as it may seem from an outside perspective. This film asks for a deeper way of thinking and understanding history for what it was. 

Overall, “The Woman King” sheds light on a side of history that raises attention and dialogue amongst the people, but ultimately shares a positive message. It spreads the message of unity, and that we as a people are stronger together rather than separated. 

According to IMBD, the movie made over $19 million during the opening weekend and has grossed almost $65 million worldwide.

Besides Davis, Thuso Mbedo stars as an ambitious young recruit. Lashawna Lynch, Sheila Atim, and John Boyega also round out the cast.



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