#TheeILove JSU Parking Chronicles

Cartoon by Kristen Hudson

William Kelly
Associate Editor

I personally do not own a car here in Mississippi, but from the second I stepped on campus I was made aware of the parking struggles of students and just how real it is.

I have witnessed students placing cones in a parking spot that they did not want to lose to another student thirsty for a parking space and other students who drive up and down lanes hoping, wishing and praying for someone to exit a spot.

Because of parking issues, which I must say are not unique to Jackson State University, some colleges and universities have issued car bans for freshmen and even sophomores. JSU is not one of these institutions.   I’m starting to think that a ban on freshmen drivers may not be a bad idea. Each year it seems that the freshmen class increases in number, therefore exacerbating an already bad situation.

Incoming college students usually look forward to bringing their whip to school and not having to rely on others for transportation.  Some lucky freshmen received cars a graduation gifts so learning that they wouldn’t be able to bring their cars that first year might be a hard to pill to swallow, but we all have to make sacrifices for the greater good of the University.

The endless drive to search for a parking spot, rising gas prices, purchasing a parking decal (which does not guarantee a parking spot), receiving parking tickets for not having the $50 decal and/or for parking illegally due to the lack of parking, could be solved if students would consider leaving their vehicles at home.

Still not convinced? Consider this. You have to pay for new tires every few weeks because Jackson streets are in dire need of repair with potholes everywhere and last but not least, all the repairs for wrecks, break-ins, and tune-ups.

Clearly having a car on campus can cause added stress. I will gladly avoid all of these issues and continue to ask for rides when needed, any day.

For my mom and grandparents, I hate to say it but you were right to make me leave the car home, who needs it right? I’ll just sip my tea in Tiger Plaza with a car-free school year.


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