Walker, Riddle and Moore chosen to lead JSU students in SGA elections


Chelsey Jones
Staff Writers

Elections week was in full force last week as candidates campaigned for a seat at the Student Government Association (SGA) table.

Candidates vying for votes showered students with a week was full of events and activities including as crawfish boils, meet and greets, ice cream socials and giveaways on the Gibbs-Green Pedestrian Walkway.

Posters and banners plastered almost every building on campus. Campaigning even took over social media, especially Snapchat, when filters that urged students to vote for a certain candidate could be used on photos and videos. These campaign activities were done with one goal in mind, election to a SGA position.

In the end, the campaigns of Alexis Moore and Asean Davis prevailed respectively as the 2017-2018 President and Vice President of the SGA.

“As the 72nd Student Government Association President, I hope to change the means by which information is disseminated between students, faculty, and administration. It is my goal to create outlets that allow student leaders to actively seek out issues and concerns among the student body,” said Moore.

She added, “We are currently in the process of creating the “Campus Rush” (subject to change) initiative where all members of the SGA will be required to “rush” the campus as an entire group to seek out the concerns of the student body. Likewise, I would like to host an open sit down with faculty and administration twice a semester to discuss how our issues and concerns are being addressed as well as providing updates about university affairs. I also plan to improve on campus conditions in the upcoming year, by addressing previous issues such as: housing, campus police, student plaza restrictions, cafe hours, cleaner facilities, student involvement, increased student activities, student retention, university image, and whatever other issues may arise during my term.”

Comelia Walker was elected as Miss Jackson State University with for the first time ever, Deangelo Riddle at her side as Mister Jackson State University.

Over the years, campaigning has become more extravagant as the candidates fight for the attention of the voters and this year was no exception. It begged the question; did the candidates go overboard with their campaigns?

Maryanna Newell, a senior criminal justice major from Greenville, Miss., has experienced election week many times and does not believe the candidates overdid it with their campaigns.

“I don’t think they went overboard because last year and the years before that, the candidates went all the way out,” Newell said. “This year they just stepped their game up.”

Candidates showing special treatment to Jackson State University students is a part of campaigning, but it is not the most important aspect. The most important part of campaigning is letting the students know what each candidate plans on doing with their platform if elected.

Angelic Young, a sophomore political science major from Gary, Ind., wants someone in SGA that wants to improve the quality of campus and not someone who just wants a title.

“I want someone with integrity, passion and confidence,” Young said. “I want them to want the position because they actually want to make a difference and change things for the better. I don’t want people who are running because they want the benefits that come with the position.”

The students of ‘Thee Jackson State University’ have spoken and for a full list of 2017-2018 election results, see below:

2017 Election Results


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