“When I was 12, both my mom and dad were incarcerated. My dad served four years in prison for drug possession charges. My mom was charged with manslaughter. She was driving a vehicle while under the influence. She had an accident, and her passenger was thrown from the vehicle and died. She served six years and six months.
My mom was a single parent with four children – of which, I’m the oldest. So, when both my parents were incarcerated, my grandmother had to take over and become our guardian. And, she was disabled. So when I turned 16, I had to work.
At one point, I actually had three jobs while still going to school. I was still a superintendent’s scholar and principal’s scholar. I was named Miss Seventh Grade at Nichols Middle School, then I won Miss Nichols Middle School. In high school, I became Miss Freshman, Miss National Honor Society, Miss Student Government Association, and Miss Canton High School. So throughout my years of working those jobs, I was able to make sure that all ends were met. And, I made sure my younger sisters and my grandmother were happy.
The way I got through that was building a relationship with God, and knowing that through everything I went through, he would bring me out. I live everyday by the scripture that says, He won’t put more on me than I can bear.
When I was running for Miss JSU, I was explaining to them that the reason I chose ‘Family’ as my platform, is because family means so much. Regardless of how your family impacted you, whether negatively or positively, they’re still the reason we are here today.
Although some of the choices my parents made hindered me in my life, it still ended up having a positive influence on me in the end.
Now, I’m the first in my family to go to college. So, like the old people say, I thank God that I don’t look like what I’ve been through. “
– Comelia, junior pre-math major from Canton.
Omg ? as the little cousin of this beautiful young lady, I didn’t know any of this!!! I am so proud of her through all of the situations. She made a way and she is a role model for not only me but for more than enough children in Canton, Ms. I’m so proud
What a Inspiration,Wishing the best for you in life,I wish your story could be told to every person that feel like life dealt them a bad hand,Much success to you.There is never a reason to fail,God bless
Chrystal, at the moment it is storming outside here in North Jackson but reading what you came thru made this stormy night filled with stars. You made my night. God is so good and we all have so much to be thankful far.
You are an inspiration to all. He promises to give beauty for ashes and double for your trouble. Continue in your faith and dedication to your studies. Your path will become brighter and brighter!
You are an amazing young lady continue your education. You can make it .
Gloria Jean Jones
You are amazing. May you continue to seek the Lord and continue to excel in your life.
This is so true! I commend you for the inspiration to move towards your Destiny… There is so much that you have accomplished with the help of the Lord…I just want to encourage you to always breathe…and “begin again, sometimes,” as my mother told me…”those are the best and most successful beginnings.” You are truly a PHENOMENAL young lady!