The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) is the component of the reaffirmation process that reflects and affirms the commitment of SACSCOC to enhancing the quality of higher education in the region and to focusing attention on student learning. The QEP describes a carefully designed course of action that addresses a well-defined and focused topic or issue related to enhancing student learning and/or student success. The QEP should be embedded within the institution’s ongoing comprehensive planning and evaluation processes and may very well evolve from this existing process or from other processes related to the institution’s internal reaffirmation review.
The Quality Enhancement Plan is a document developed by the institution that (1) includes a process identifying key issues emerging from institutional assessment, (2) focuses on student learning and/or student success, (3) demonstrates institutional capability for the initiation, implementation, and completion of the QEP, (4) includes broad-based involvement of institutional constituencies in the development and proposed implementation of the QEP, and (5) identifies goals and a plan to assess their achievement. The QEP should be focused and succinct (no more than seventy-five pages of narrative text and no more than twenty-five pages of supporting documentation or charts, graphs, and tables).